Shepherding the Young
I have three adult children. When my children were young, they came to me with all of life’s questions. Environmental inquiries, “Why are leaves green and then change color and fall off the tree.” They pondered thoughts such as, “If our dog does not talk, how can she tell us what she needs?” “Why does water turn into ice?” had their science minds thinking. They even contemplated political concerns such as “Who do you vote for?” “Who do you vote for?” The questions were simple and relatively straightforward to answer. I was able to turn each conversation into an opportunity for my children to mature and grow. They looked to me as a living example to live by, a knowledge source and refuge in times of trouble. (Don’t worry, they are all brilliant young people, despite my knowledge limitations.)
Shepherding the Grown
My children are now young adults. These days, their personal knowledge base has grown to be independent of mine. Nowadays, they have the world of GOOGLE searches to answer their unknowns. Moreover, their opinions have become their own. I am a bystander in the story of their lives. Or so, you would think. They still call on good old dad for guidance, perspective, and affirmation alongside all of these independence from me truths. Now, questions are often harder. Philosophical questions regarding the Christian position in current time events. Environmental Q&A occurs with an understood level of political angles around them. Science inquisitions involve where the Biblical position stands on science topics.
A change of gears
When the kids were young and through their early teen years, We had an end of the day ritual. We ended most of our days reading stories from The Bible, followed by prayers. Our time together would then complete with “favorite part of the day.” Everyone had to share their own favorite part of the day. I was intentional. I wanted each of their days to end with a focus on Jesus and the good in their lives. “Favorite part of the day” answers ranged from deep and meaningful to short and simple. Each day I also shared with them my favorite part of the day. I was always purposeful about mine. In my mind, they needed to know in my last 24 hours, their father found nothing more important than them.
“The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.”
Psalms 23:1
My Moments of Pride
My children are adults. They are well-positioned, self-reliant, God-fearing adults. Responses to what life throws at them are entirely theirs to choose. To my amazement, they often still choose me. My thoughts over present-day philosophers, my insights over GOOGLE, and my example over the one they often see lived out by their peers. Guess what??!??! Nothing makes me prouder, nothing makes me happier, nothing is as humbling and rewarding as the call which starts out, “Hey dad, I was wondering…” There is no faster way to get me to scream out, “I know my favorite part of the day” than getting this call or text from them.
Almighty God Opening my Eyes
In every season of my life, I am continually amazed by how Almighty God can speak to me anew through the same verses I have read forever. A recent reading of Psalms 23 with my Friday morning men’s group has done this to me again. Almighty God is my Good Shepherd out of His desire, not an obligation. He will NEVER turn me away. Difficult and complex questions?? He replies, “bring it on!!” At the end of His day, Almighty God WANTS TO say, “When Jeff came to Me with his concern, his question, his focus on direction, that was MY favorite part of the day!!!” Just as real as the pride when my children come to me, their earthly father. I can imagine the Heavenly Father’s pride when I come to Him.
Just as real as the pride within this earthly father when my children come to me, I can imagine the pride of the Heavenly Father when I come to Him. Just as I cannot wait to let my wife know these children we have raised still seek me in their life battles, I see Almighty God looking over all the Heavens and announcing, “This is another day once again, and Jeff has chosen Me over worldly influences. This is one more day where, despite Jeff’s earthly wisdom, he sought after Me for the ultimate wisdom and direction! This is my favorite part of the day!”
Your Take Home
Here is your take-home from Psalms 23:1, The LORD is YOUR GOOD SHEPHERD. How far you have strayed does not matter. Nor does it matter how much you have tried to burden life’s battles on your own up to now. He wants maybe even more so now than ever before to be the one you run to, the Good Shepherd you choose. Almighty God wants to announce to the Heavens your name when He ends His day and says, “Today, MY favorite part of the day was the part when _______ chose Me over all other choices they had!”
God Bless you and good luck in your endeavors to give Almighty God His favorite part of the day!